Art For Sale, Buy Painting By Olena Kucher


Present the top 3 paintings

Добавлено 20 авг. 2024 г.

Today we present the top 3 paintings that are incredibly popular. It happened that all the works are created in three different genresyu. Now these paintings are available for purchase with a nice discount and free shipping. The works were created by the author in a special mood, and what exactly inspired the artist to create them you can find out by clicking on the links

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There is no limit to perfection!

Добавлено 15 авг. 2024 г.

Hello dear colleagues and connoisseurs of painting!
Today I want to talk about the topic of finalising finished paintings. Often I notice that there is a desire to make corrections in the already completed work. It happens that the picture is already presented at an exhibition and suddenly there is a new idea how it can be improved. There is no limit to perfection!
Is it worth making changes and striving for perfection? What do you think about it?

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‘Practices CONTEMPORARY 2.0’ at the Dnipro House of Arts.

Добавлено 14 авг. 2024 г.

All-Ukrainian exhibition of contemporary art!‘Practices CONTEMPORARY 2.0’ at the Dnipro House of Arts.The opening took place on 7 August at 17:30 and will run until the end of summer.This year's CONTEMPORARY 2.0 exhibition features more than 70 works by 30 authors from all over Ukraine, which proves the resonance of this event.The exhibition also showcases the works of the artist Olena Kucher. Ms Kucher congratulates the guests of the event, the organisers, colleagues and friends for the fact that today she has the opportunity to give joy to the respected society through the language of painting!
Dnipro House of Arts.

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Живопис Олени Кучер на виставці «Практики CONTEMPORARY» 2.0

Добавлено 24 июл. 2024 г.

Дніпровський будинок мистецтв анонсує виставку сучасного мистецтва «Практики CONTEMPORARY» 2.0
Систавка представляє творчі та оригінальні роботи багатьох українських митців. Це живопис, колажі, скульптури, фото, декор, upcycling, street-art, digital-art тощо.
Також, буде представлений живопис художниці з Дніпропетровщини Олени Кучер.
Відкриття заходу на початку серпня, слідкуємо за новинами!
Дніпровський будинок мистецтв, вул. Філософська 23

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Добавлено 21 мар. 2024 г.

It's my Life

Добавлено 5 мар. 2024 г.

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Painting from photo to order

Добавлено 4 мая 2023 г.


Today I'm painting a copy of a bespoke painting! The original composition dates back to the 16th century. It is, of course, a canvas, oil on canvas. I have moved away from the layered execution technique, as the customer is looking forward to the finished work and asking for it as soon as possible. 

Can you friends tell me if you recognize the author of this beautiful painting?

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Painter's work with photography.

Добавлено 1 апр. 2023 г.

Hello everyone! 

I want to talk about photography as a supportive subject for the artist. I often hear that its use is almost a crime against the artist's reputation. 

But is it? 

Why is it so? 

Вo you think using photographs to create a painting is unacceptable?????


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Добавлено 28 мар. 2023 г.

Добавлено 21 мар. 2023 г.

При поддержке Artmajeur