Art For Sale, Buy Painting By Olena Kucher


In stock, authentic still life in vintage style. The flickering of a warm, calm flame in an oil lamp can be watched endlessly. The artwork is created with love for fine art, painted from life. Classical theme, impressionism.
Author: Elena Kucher
‘Oil lamp and books’ 2023r
Oil, canvas on cardboard60x40cm
Fittings for mounting on the wall is included. The picture is not framed.
The work can be purchased at your price with free delivery.
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We present to your attention a new still life, the main characters of which are a delicate bouquet of flowers in an old porcelain jug, juicy pears, and a ripe red apple. The work is painted from life, with a great love for painting.
Author: Olena Kucher
‘Bouquet of flowers and fruits’ 2024
Oil on linen canvas
The set includes accessories for wall mounting. The picture is not framed.
The work can be purchased at your price with free delivery.
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Author's still life in calm pink colours. The work is painted from life, classical subjects. Style - impressionism.
Author: Kucher Olena
‘Crystal vase with dried flowers and apples’ 2023
Oil on canvas
The set includes furnirura for fixing the picture on the wall. The work is not decorated in a baguette frame.
There is an opportunity to purchase the work at your price with free delivery.
Write us your offer

Available, an authentic still life with a composition in the cargo theme. The artwork is painted from life. The style is impressionism.

The author: Kucher Olena

"Jug and milk" 2022

Oil on canvas



The set includes accessories for wall mounting. The painting is not framed in a baguette frame.

The painting can be purchased at your price with free delivery. Write to us with your offer.

Available, a favourite still life with blooming violets, a sea shell and a pink rhodonite stone. A contrasting, but temporarily very delicate work.
The author: Olena Kucher
‘Indoor Flowers, Seashell, Rhodonite’ 2022
Oil on canvas
Does not require mandatory framing in a baguette frame. Accessories for wall mounting are included.
Delivery is free of charge.The cost art is by agreement.Write a message with your price offer

In the presence of the author's still life in the Ukrainian theme. A unique picture painted from life. The style is impressionism.
Author: Olena Kucher‘Handmade’ 2022Oil on canvas60x40cm
Cotton canvas on a stretcher. Accessories for wall mounting are included. Without a baguette frame.
Free shipping worldwide. Price by agreement. Write to us with your price offer

At the end of the work, each painting is analysed and corrections are made. In this case, cool colours have been added to the most lit areas to maintain the balance of warmth and coolness in the colouring. The final touches often do not change the character of the painting as a whole, but bring that sense of finality that is so necessary. 

The video review of the new miniature painting is already in instagram!
Enjoy watching it!

Painting smooth metal everyday objects with numerous reflections is a special pleasure for an artist in love with still life. We present you a beautiful vintage composition that immerses us in thoughts and reflections about a bygone era.

Autumn is on the doorstep and it's already time to talk about it. The new composition tells us about snow with rain in foggy weather. A beautiful work which is to the liking of connoisseurs of landscape.

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