Art For Sale, Buy Painting By Olena Kucher


Buy a painting at your price and with free delivery

Добавлено 5 окт. 2024 г.

Buy a painting at your price and with free delivery? Of course, it is possible, if the work of the artist is not a commercial project! Olena Kucher's creativity aims to give joy and pleasant emotions in the language of colours. Her works are created with inspiration that is why they so often attract attention. We suggest you to follow the link and get acquainted with this arts. Write us a message, offer us your price for your favourite painting
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New beautiful collection

Добавлено 24 сент. 2024 г.

We firmly believe that an artist's work is a mirror of his soul. And if they are created with inspiration and love for fine arts, then in this case we experience a sense of satisfaction of our curiosity. Elena's new works, executed in oil on paper, have received a great response from many connoisseurs of painting. We offer you to get acquainted with this beautiful collection by clicking on the following link Click on

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Olena Kucher's creative instagram page

Добавлено 17 сент. 2024 г.

We suggest you to get acquainted with video reviews of our works, which are presented on our instagram page. Every day we have up-to-date information, videos of the process of creating paintings, discussion of news and a lot of interesting things. Follow the link and subscribe to not miss anything

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Добавлено 14 сент. 2024 г.

Добавлено 4 сент. 2024 г.

Добавлено 3 сент. 2024 г.

Message does each artist

Добавлено 3 сент. 2024 г.

What message does an artist create when he or she gives birth to a new work of art?I believe it all starts from within, namely with the preferences of the creator of the artwork. We notice that someone favours a certain genre. Can this be considered part of the author's worldview? The answer is obvious - of course, yes! Olen Kuchera's works, in general, are addressed to still life, which surrounds us in everyday life. Painting in this genre is one of the ways to reveal the beauty and perfection of ordinary everyday objects. Basically, these works of art are aimed at creating a pleasant, comfortable atmosphere in the room. But most importantly, they evoke a wave of pleasant emotions and associations in the viewer Click on

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Добавлено 28 авг. 2024 г.

The muse and creative process

Добавлено 26 авг. 2024 г.

The muse is so important to the creative process and it can be absolutely anything. One artist admires the breeze and paints landscapes, another is inspired by the beauty of women's faces and paints portraits. It is through inspiration, this sublime state, that beautiful artworks are born. The artist Elena Kucher admires laconic forms and shapes that can be fitted into a simple figure, such as a ball or a cube, so her favourite genre is still life. She often uses a realist style and a natural palette of colours in her work. The simpler the figure, the more perfect it is, in her opinion, the closer to the ideal. You can get acquainted with the paintings of Elena Kucher at this link Click on

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Добавлено 21 авг. 2024 г.

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